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冯慧娟 助理教授(副研究员) 博士生导师




冯慧娟,2023年1月加入南方科技大学,机械与能源工程系助理教授,博士生导师。2012年于天津大学取得工学与管理学双学士学位。2018年博士毕业于天津大学和法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学,获双博士学位。2018年至2020年在瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)可重构机器人实验室从事博士后研究工作。2020年7月起先后担任“英国2022年度大学”诺森比亚大学讲师(2020-2021)、高级讲师(2021-2022)。主要从事折展结构与折纸机器人、可重构机构与可重构机器人、理论运动学、手性机构与超材料设计等研究工作。在Research、Mechanism and Machine Theory、ASME Transactions、Applied Physics Letters等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。获英国高等教育学会会士,担任机构学顶刊Mechanism and Machine Theory副主编,Materials特刊客座主编,高等教育出版社“机器人科学与技术丛书”编委会委员。2021年担任第5届可重构机构与机器人国际会议(IEEE/IFToMM ReMAR 2021)程序委员会委员,2023年担任 ASME 国际大学生机构与机器人设计竞赛(SMRDC)组委会委员,并将继续担任IEEE/IFToMM ReMAR 2024 程序委员会委员和组织2024 ASME SMRDC。



◆ 2015.09 ~ 2018.06 法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学机械工程专业  博士

◆ 2012.09 ~ 2018.06 天津大学机械工程专业      博士

◆ 2010.03 ~ 2012.06 天津大学工程管理专业      管理学学士

◆ 2008.09 ~ 2012.06 天津大学机械设计制造及其自动化专业  工学学士


工作履历 :

◆ 2023.01 ~ 至今  南方科技大学机械与能源工程系  助理教授

◆ 2020.07 ~ 2022.12 英国诺森比亚大学机械与建筑工程系 高级讲师(2021.08 ~ 2022.12), 讲师 (2020.07 ~ 2021.07)

◆ 2018.09 ~ 2020.06 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院     博士后



◆ Mechanism and Machine Theory (IFToMM会刊,中科院一区Top期刊), 2022.06 - 至今, Associate Editor

◆ 高等教育出版社“机器人科学与技术丛书”,2023.07 - 至今, 编委会委员

◆ Materials, special issue "Mechanical metamaterials and their applications", 2022, Guest Editor

◆ IEEE/IFToMM ReMAR 2024, Program Committee

◆ IEEE/IFToMM ReMAR 2021, Program Committee

◆ 2024 ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition, Organizer

◆ 2023 ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition, Organizer

◆ Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (英国高等教育学会会士), 2022.06 - 至今



◆ 2022年,教学奖提名奖,Northumbria University (30/1600+)

◆ 2018年,Mechanism and Machine Theory杰出审稿人

◆ 2016年,中国政府奖学金,中国留学基金委(CSC)



◆ H. Feng, G. Jia, Y. Lin and J.S. Dai, 2023, Jubilee Review: The 65 Years of the ASME Machine Design Award (1958–2023), Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(8): 080301.

◆ S. Ye, P. Zhao, Y. Zhao, F. Kavousi, H. Feng and G. Hao, 2022, A novel radially closable tubular origami structure (RC-ori) for valves, Actuators, 11(9): 243.

◆ H. Zhang, H. Feng, J.L. Huang and J. Paik, 2021, Generalized modeling of origami folding joints, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 45: 101213.

◆ J. Ma, S. Zang, H. Feng, Y. Chen and Z. You, 2021, Theoretical characterization of a non-rigid-foldable square-twist origami for property programmability, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 189: 105981.

◆ W. Lin, K. Chen, Y. Gao, A. Chen, F. Yang and H. Feng, 2021, A toy-inspired kirigami pattern and its kinematic performance by applying mechanisms and machine theory. Mechanical Sciences, 12(2), 933-943.

◆ T. Mukhopadhyay, J. Ma, H. Feng, D. Hou, J. Gattas, Y. Chen and Z. You, 2020, Programmable stiffness and shape modulation in origami materials: Emergence of a distant actuation feature, Applied Materials Today, 19: 100537.

◆ H. Feng, R. Peng, S. Zang, J. Ma and Y. Chen, 2020, Rigid foldability and mountain-valley crease assignments of square-twist origami pattern, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 152: 103947.

◆ H. Feng, W. Lv, J. Ma, W. Chang, Y. Chen and J. Wang, 2020, Helical structures with switchable and hierarchical chirality, Applied Physics Letters, 116(19): 194102.

◆ J. Ma#, H. Feng#, Y. Chen, D. Hou and Z. You, 2020, Folding of tubular waterbomb, Research, 2020: 1735081. (共同第一作者)

◆ X. Kang, H. Feng, J.S. Dai and H. Yu, 2020, High-order based revelation of bifurcation of novel Schatz-inspired metamorphic mechanisms using screw theory, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 152: 103931.

◆ 冯慧娟,马家耀,陈焱,2020,广义Waterbomb折纸管的刚性折叠特性研究,机械工程学报,56 (19): 143-159.

◆ X. Chen, H. Feng, J. Ma and Y. Chen, 2019, A plane linkage and its tessellation for deployable structure, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 142: 103605.

◆ H. Feng, J. Ma, Y. Chen and Z. You, 2018, Twist of tubular mechanical metamaterials based on waterbomb origami, Scientific Reports, 8(1): 9522.

◆ H. Feng, R. Peng, J. Ma and Y. Chen, 2018, Rigid foldability of generalized triangle twist origami pattern and its derived 6R linkages, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 10(5): 051003.

◆ 冯慧娟,杨名远,姚国强,陈焱,戴建生,2018,折纸机器人,中国科学:技术科学,48 (12): 1259-1274.

◆ H. Feng, Y. Chen, J.S. Dai and G. Gogu, 2017, Kinematic study of the general plane-symmetric Bricard linkage and its bifurcation variations, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 116: 89-104.

◆ Y. Chen, H. Feng, J. Ma, R. Peng and Z. You, 2016, Symmetric waterbomb origami, Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472(2190): 20150846.

◆ C.Y. Song, H. Feng, Y. Chen, I.M. Chen and R. Kang, 2015, Reconfigurable mechanism generated from the network of Bennett linkages, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 88: 49-62.

◆ H. Feng, R. Kang and Y. Chen, 2015, Workspace analysis of a reconfigurable mechanism generated from the network of Bennett linkages, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2015), Beijing, China, 20-22 July.