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Yiju Li

Research direction:High-energy-density lithium metal batteries; Advanced electrolyte design and development; Alkali metal ion batteries; Solid-state lithium batteries


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Yiju Li received the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering from Harbin Engineering University in 2018. From Sep. 2015 to Oct. 2017, he worked as a Joint Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Engineering of Peking University (Mar. 2018-May 2021) and the Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study/Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (May 2021-Aug. 2022). He is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology. He has long been engaged in the research of advanced energy storage and interfacial photothermal steam conversion in the interdisciplinary fields of energy, heat, chemistry, and materials. He also focuses on advanced micro- and nano-manufacturing (e.g., Joule heat pulse, 3D printing, electrospinning, and wet spinning) in energy-related applications. He has published over 90 papers such as Joule, Matter, Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Angew Chem. Int. Ed., Energy Environ. Sci., PNAS, Nano Today, ACS Nano, Nano Lett., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, Energy Storage Mater., J. Energy Chem., and these papers have been cited more than 13,000 times (Google Scholar), with an H-index of 54. Many research results have been cited and reported by top journals such as Nature and international mainstream technology media such as ScienceDaily, VOA News, Phys.org, ACS News, and Advanced Science News.

He was selected as the "Global Highly Cited Scientist" in 2020 (interdisciplinary science) and 2021 (material science) and the world's top 2% scientists in 2021. He has won the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship”, Ministry of Industry, China, in 2017, “National Scholarship for Doctoral Students”, Ministry of Education, China, in 2016, and the “National Encouragement Scholarship”, Ministry of Education, China, in 2013. He has led and participated in some research projects, including the China Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program, the China Postdoctoral Natural Science Foundation-General Program, the Beijing Natural Science Foundation Program, and the American Analog Devices Project. He serves as the regular reviewer for some international journals, such as Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Coord. Chem. Rev., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Lett., Adv. Sci., ACS Catal., Nano Energy, Nano-Micro Lett., Small, The Innovation, ChemsusChem, Mater. Today Energy, etc. He has been selected as the Youth Editorial Board Member for the international journals of Energy Storage and Saving, Carbon Neutrality, The Innovation, Soft Science, Rare Metals, etc., and Associate Editor for Frontiers in Energy Research.

Research Area:
High-energy-density lithium metal batteries;
Advanced electrolyte design and development;
Alkali metal ion batteries;
Solid-state lithium batteries

Work Experience:
◆ Aug. 2022-present,
Southern University of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Assistant Professor

◆ May 2021-Aug. 2022
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study/Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Tin Ka Ping Fellow

◆ May 2018-May 2021
Peking University, School of Engineering, Postdoctoral researcher


◆Aug. 2013-Mar. 2018  Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
◆Sep. 2015-Oct. 2017 Joint Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
◆ Aug. 2009-Aug. 2013  B.S. Electrochemistry, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China

Professional Recognition:

Clarivate Analytics 2021 Global Highly Cited Researcher (Materials Science)
Clarivate Analytics 2020 Global Highly Cited Researcher (Cross-field)
The World's Top 2% Scientists 2021-Stanford University
The World's Top 100,000 Scientists in 2021
National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talent (2018)
Peking University, “Boya” Postdoctoral (2018)
Awarded “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship”, Ministry of Industry, China (2017)
Awarded “National Scholarship for Doctoral Students”, Ministry of Education, China (2016)
Awarded “National Encouragement Scholarship”, Ministry of Education, China (2013)

Representative Books and Papers:

1.Y. Li#, Y. Yang#, P. Zhou, T. Gao, Z. Xu, S. Lin, H. Chen, J. Zhou, S. Guo*, Enhanced Cathode and Anode Compatibility for Boosting Both Energy and Power Densities of Na/K-Ion Hybrid Capacitors, Matter 2019, 1, 893. (Cell姊妹刊)
2. Y. Li, S. Guo*, Material Design and Structure Optimization for Rechargeable Lithium‐Sulfur Batteries, Matter 2021, 4, 1-48. (Cell姊妹刊)
3. C. Jia#, Y. Li#, Y. Yao, Z. Yang, F. Jiang, Y. Kuang, G. Pastel, H. Xie, B. Yang, L. Hu*, Rich Mesostructures Derived from Natural Woods for Solar Steam Generation, Joule 2017, 1, 588-599. (Cell姊妹刊)
4. Y. Li, T. Gao, D. Ni, Y. Zhou, M. Yousaf, Z. Guo, J. Zhou, P. Zhou, Q. Wang, S. Guo*, Two Birds with One Stone: Interfacial Engineering of Multifunctional Janus Separator for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2107638.
5. Y. Li#, S. Lin#, D. Wang, T. Gao, J. Song, P. Zhou, Z. Xu, Z. Yang, N. Xiao, S. Guo*, Single Atom Array Mimic on Ultrathin MOF Nanosheets Boosts the Safety and Life of Lithium Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Materials 2020, 1906722.
6. Y. Li#, T. Gao#, Z. Yang#, C. Chen, W. Luo, J. Song, E. Hitz, C. Jia, Y. Zhou, B. Liu, B. Yang. L. Hu*, 3D-Printed, All-In-One Evaporator for High-Efficiency Solar Steam Generation under One-Sun Illumination, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1700981. (Nature亮点报道)
7. C. Chen#, Y. Li#, J. Song#, Z. Yang, Y. Kuang, E. Hitz, C. Jia, A. Gong, F. Jiang, J. Y. Zhu, B. Yang, J. Xie, L. Hu*, Highly Flexible, Biodegradable and Efficient Solar Steam Generation Device, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1701756.
8. F. Jiang#, T. Li#, Y. Li#, Y. Zhang#, A. Gong*, J. Dai#, E. Hitz, W. Luo*, L. Hu*, Wood Based Nanotechnologies Toward Sustainability Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1703453.
9. Y. Li#, T. Gao#, Y. Yao, Y. Kuang, S. Xu, C. Chen, J. Song, R. J. Jacob, M. R. Zachariah, G. Wang, L. Hu*, In Situ “Chainmail Catalyst” Assembly in Low-Tortuosity, Hierarchical Carbon Frameworks for Efficient and Stable Hydrogen Generation, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (25), 1801289.
10. Y. Li#, Y. Chen#, A. Nie, A. Lu, R. J. Jacob, T. Gao, J. Song, J. Dai, J. Wan, G. Pastel, M. R. Zachariah, R. S. Yassar, L. Hu*, In-Situ, Fast, High-Temperature Synthesis of Nickel Nanoparticles in Reduced Graphene Oxide Matrix, Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1601783.
11. T. Gao, Z. Zhou, J. Yu*, J. Zhao, G. Wang, D. Cao, B. Ding, Y. Li*, Three-Dimensional Printing of Tunable Energy Storage Devices with Both High Areal and Volumetric Energy Densities, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1802578.
12. M. Zhu#, Y. Li#, F. Chen#, X. Zhu, J. Dai, Y. Li, Z. Yang, X. Yan, J. Song, Y. Wang, E. Hitz, W. Luo, M. Lu, B. Yang, L. Hu*, Plasmonic Wood for High-Efficiency Solar Steam Generation, Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 8, 1701028.
13. C. Chen#, Y. Zhang#, Y. Li#, Y. Kuang, J. Song, W. Luo, Y. Wang, Y. Yao, G. Pastel, J. Xie, L. Hu*, Highly Conductive, Lightweight, Low-Tortuosity Carbon Frameworks as Ultrathick 3D Current Collectors, Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1700595.
14. H. Song#, S. Xu#, Y. Li#, J. Dai, A. Gong, M. Zhu, C. Zhu, C. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Yao, B. Liu, G. Pastel, L. Hu*, Hierarchically Porous, Ultrathick, “Breathable” Wood-Derived Cathode for Lithium-Oxygen Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1701203.
15. Y. Li, S. Guo*, Noble Metal-based 1D and 2D Electrocatalytic Nanomaterials: Recent Progress, Challenges and Perspectives, Nano Today 2019, 28, 100774.
16. Y. Li#, T. Gao#, Z. Yang, C. Chen, Y. Kuang, J. Song, C. Jia, S. D. Lacey, B. Yang, L. Hu*, Graphene Oxide-Based Evaporator with One-Dimensional Water Transport Enabling High-Efficiency Solar Desalination, Nano Energy 2017, 41, 201-209.
17. Y. Li, G. Wang*, T. Wei, Z. Fan*, P. Yan, Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-Doped Porous Carbon Nanosheets Derived from Willow Catkin for Supercapacitors, Nano Energy 2016, 19, 165.
18. X. Peng, Y. Lin, Y. Wang, Y. Li*, T. Zhao*, A Lightweight Localized High-Concentration Ether electrolyte for High-Voltage Li-Ion and Li-Metal Batteries, Nano Energy 2022, 96, 107102.
19. Y. Chen#, Y. Li#, Y. Wang, K. Fu, V. A. Danner, J. Dai, S. D. Lacey, Y. Yao, L. Hu*, Rapid, in Situ Synthesis of High-Capacity Battery Anodes through High Temperature Radiation-Based Thermal Shock, Nano Letters 2016, 16, 5553.
20. S. Xu#, Y. Chen#, Y. Li#, A. Lu, Y. Yao, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Liu, S. D. Lacey, Y. Kuang, V. A. Danner, F. Jiang, K. K. Fu, L. Hu*, Universal, In-Situ Transformation of Bulky Compounds into Nanoscale Catalysts by High Temperature Pulse, Nano Letters 2017, 17, 5817–5822.
21. Y. Li#, K. Fu#, C. Chen, W. Luo, T. Gao, S. Xu, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Liu, J. Song, Y. Chen, C. Yang, L. Hu*, Enabling High-Areal-Capacity Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Designing Anisotropic and Low-Tortuosity Porous Architectures, ACS Nano 2017, 11, 4801–4807.
22. J. Song, C. Chen, S. Zhu, M. Zhu, J. Dai, U. Ray, Y. Li, Y. Kuang, Y. Li, N. Quispe, Y. Yao, A. Gong, U. H. Leiste, H. A. Bruck, J. Zhu, A. Vellore, H. Li, M. L. Minus, Z. Jia, A. Martini, T. Li*, L. Hu*, Processing Bulk Natural Wood into a High-Performance Structural Material, Nature 2018, 554, 224–228.
23.T. Li, A. D. Pickel, Y. Yao, Y. Chen, Y. Zeng, S. D. Lacey, Y. Li, Y. Wang, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Yang, M. S. Fuhrer, A. Marconnet, C. Dames, D. H. Drew*, L. Hu*, Thermoelectric Properties and Performance of Flexible Reduced Graphene Oxide Films up to 3,000 K, Nature Energy 2018, 3, 148.
24. Y. Zhang, W. Luo, C. Wang, Y. Li, C. Chen, J. Song, J. Dai, E. M. Hitz, S. Xu, C. Yang, Y. Wang, L. Hu*, High-Capacity, Low-Tortuosity, and Channel-Guided Lithium Metal Anode, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2017, 114 (14) 3584-3589.
25. Y. Li#, Y. Yang#, J. Zhou, S. Lin, Z. Xu, Y. Xing, Y. Zhang, J. Feng, Z. Mu, P. Li, Y. Chao, S. Guo*, Coupled and Decoupled Hierarchical Carbon Nanomaterials Toward High-Energy-Density Quasi-Solid-State Na-Ion Hybrid Energy Storage Devices, Energy Storage Materials 2019, 23, 530.
26. Y. Li, P. Zhou, H. Li, T. Gao, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, N. Xiao, Z. Xia, L. Wang, G. Zhang, L. Gu, S. Guo*, A Freestanding Flexible Single‐Atom Cobalt‐Based Multifunctional Interlayer Toward Reversible and Durable Lithium‐Sulfur Batteries, Small Methods 2020, 1900701.
27. T. Gao#, Y. Li#, C. Chen, Z. Yang, Y. Kuang, C. Jia, J. Song, E. M. Hitz, B. Liu, H. Huang, J. Yu, B. Yang, L. Hu*, Architecting a Floatable, Durable, and Scalable Steam Generator: Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Bifunctional Structure for Solar Evaporation Enhancement, Small Methods 2019, 3 (2), 1800176.
28. Y. Li, Y. Zhou, Y. Muhammad, J. Zhou, Z. Guo, H. Tan, S. Guo*, Nanocellulose and Its Derivatives toward Advanced Lithium Sulfur Batteries, ACS Materials Letters 2021, 3, 1130-1142.
29. T. Gao, G. Yan, X. Yang, Q. Yan, Y. Tian, J. Song*, F. Li, X. Wang, J. Yu, Y. Li*, S. Guo*, Wet Spinning of Fiber-Shaped Flexible Zn-Ion Batteries toward Wearable Energy Storage, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 71, 192-200.
30. Q. Yan, P. Yan, T. Wei, G. Wang*, K. Cheng, K. Ye, K. Zhu, J. Yan, D. Cao, Y. Li*, A Highly Efficient and Durable Water Splitting System: Platinum Sub-Nanocluster Functionalized Nickel–Iron Layered Double Hydroxide as the Cathode and Hierarchical Nickel–Iron Selenide as the Anode, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (6), 2831-2837.
31. J. Zhao#, Y. Li#, G. Wang*, T. Wei, Z. Liu, K. Cheng, K. Ye, K. Zhu, D. Cao, Z. Fan*, Enabling High-Volumetric-Energy-Density Supercapacitors: Designing Open, Low-Tortuosity Heteroatoms-Doped Porous Carbon-Tube Bundles Electrode, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017 5, 23085-23093.
32. Y. Tian#, Y. Li#, X. Zhang, J. Jia, X. Yang, S. Yang, J. Yu, D. Wu, X. Wang, T. Gao*, F. Li*, Breath-Figure Self-Assembled Low-Cost Janus Fabrics for Highly Efficient and Stable Solar Desalination. Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 32, 2113258.
33. T. Gao, Z. Zhou, J. Yu*, D. Cao, G. Wang, B. Ding, Y. Li*, All-in-One, Compact Architecture towards Wearable, All-Solid-State, High-Volumetric-Energy-Density Supercapacitors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (28), 23834-23841.
34. R. Guo, X. Cai, H. Liu, Z. Yang, Y. Meng, F. Chen*, Y. Li*, B. Wang*, In Situ Growth of Metal–Organic Frameworks in Three-Dimensional Aligned Lumen Arrays of Wood for Rapid and Highly Efficient Organic Pollutant Removal, Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (5), pp 2705–2712.
35. Q. Yan, X. Chen, T. Wei, G. Wang*, M. Zhu, Y. Zhuo, K. Cheng, K. Ye, K. Zhu, J. Yan, D. Cao, Y. Li*, Hierarchical Edge-Rich Nickel Phosphide Nanosheet Arrays as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution in both Alkaline and Acidic Conditions, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7 (8), pp 7804–7811.
36. S. Lacey, D. Kirsch, Y. Li, J. T. Morgenstern, B. C. Zarket, Y. Yao, J. Dai, L. Q. Garcia, B. Liu, T. Gao, S. Xu, S. R. Raghavan, J. W. Connell, Y. Lin, L. Hu*, Extrusion-based 3D Printing of Hierarchically Porous Advanced Battery Electrodes, Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1705651.
37. C. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, J Dai, J Song, Y. Gong, I. Kierzewski, J. Xie, L. Hu*, All-wood, Low Tortuosity, Aqueous, Biodegradable Supercapacitors with Ultra-High Capacitance, Energy & Environmental Science 2017, 10, 538-545.
38. M. Yousaf, U. Naseer, Y. Li, Z. Ali, N. Mahmood, L. Wang, P. Gao*, S. Guo*, A Mechanistic Study of Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries beyond Lithium IIons by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy & Environmental Science 2021, 14, 2670-2707.
39. C. Chen, J. Song, S. Zhu, Y. Li, Y. Kuang, J. Wan, D. Kirsch, L. Xu, Y. Wang, T. Gao, Y. Wang, H. Huang, W. Gan, A. Gong, T. Li, J. Xie, L. Hu*, Scalable and Sustainable Approach Toward Highly Compressible, Anisotropic, Lamellar Carbon Sponge, Chem 2018, 4, 544-554. (Cell姊妹刊)
40. Y. Zhang, M. Luo, Y. Yang, Y. Li, S. Guo*, Advanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion, ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4, 7, 1672-1680.
41. K. Fu, Y. Gong, G. T. Hitz, D. W. McOwen, Y. Li, S. Xu, Y. Wen, L. Zhang, C. Wang, G. Pastel, J. Dai, B. Liu, H. Xie, Y. Yao, E. Wachsman*, L. Hu*, Three-Dimensional Bilayer Garnet Solid Electrolyte Based High Energy Density Lithium Metal-Sulfur Batteries, Energy & Environmental Science 2017, 10, 1568-1575.
42. Y. Kuang, C. Chen, G. Pastel, Y. Li, J. Song, R. Mi, W. Kong, B. Liu, Y. Jiang, K. Yang, L. Hu*, Conductive Cellulose Nanofiber Enabled Thick Electrode for Compact and Flexible Energy Storage Devices, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 8 (33), 1802398.
43.W. Luo, Y. Gong, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, Y. Yao, Y. Zhang, K. Fu, G. Pastel, C. Lin, Y. Mo, E. D. Wachsman*, L. Hu*, Reducing Interfacial Resistance between Garnet-Structured Solid-State Electrolyte and Li-Metal Anode by a Germanium Layer, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1606042.
44. Y. Chen, K. Fu, S. Zhu, W. Luo, Y. Wang, Y. Li, E. M. Hitz, Y. Yao, J. Dai, J. Wan, L. Hu*, Reduced Graphene Oxide Films with Ultrahigh Conductivity as Li-Ion Battery Current Collectors, Nano Letters 2016, 16, 3616.
45. C. Wang, Y. Gong, B. Liu, K. Fu, Y. Yao, E. Hitz, Y. Li, J. Dai, S. Xu, W. Luo, E. Wachsman*, L. Hu*, Conformal, Nanoscale ZnO Surface Modification of Garnet-Based Solid-State Electrolyte for Lithium Metal Anodes, Nano Letters 2017, 1, 565.
46. Y. Wang, C. Chen, H. Xie, T. Gao, Y. Yao, G. Paste, X. Han, Y. Li, J. Zhao*, K. Fu*, L. Hu*, 3D Printed All-Fiber Li-Ion Battery towards Wearable Energy Storage, Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1703140.
47. S. Xu, Y. Yao, Y. Guo, X. Zeng, S. D. Lacey, H. Song, C. Chen, Y. Li, J. Dai, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, B. Liu, K. Fu, K. Amine, J. Lu, L. Hu*, Textile Inspired Lithium-Oxygen Battery Cathode with Decoupled Oxygen and Electrolyte Pathways, Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1704907.
48. W. Luo, Y. Zhang, S. Xu, J. Dai, E. Hitz, Y. Li, C. Yang, C. Chen, B. Liu, L. Hu*, Encapsulation of Metallic Na in an Electrically Conductive Host with Porous Channels as a Highly Stable Na Metal Anode, Nano Letters 2017, 17 (6), 3792-3797.
49. Y. Zhang, C. Wang, G. Pastel, Y. Kuang, H. Xie, Y. Li, B. Liu, W. Luo, C. Chen, L. Hu*, 3D Wettable Framework for Dendrite-free Alkali Metal Anodes, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1800635.
50. S. Xu, D. W. McOwen, C. Wang, L. Zhang, W. Luo, C. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Gong, J. Dai, Y. Kuang, C. Yang, T. R. Hamann, E. D. Wachsman*, L. Hu* Three-Dimensional, Solid-State Mixed Electron-Ion Conductive Framework for Lithium Metal Anode, Nano Letters 2018, 18 (6), pp 3926–3933.
51. C. Chen, S. Xu, Y. Kuang, W. Gan, J. Song, G. Chen, G. Pastel, B. Liu, Y. Li, H. Huang, L. Hu*, Nature‐Inspired Tri‐Pathway Design Enabling High‐Performance Flexible Li–O2 Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9 (9), 1802964.
52. Y. Zhang, Z. Mu, J. Lai, Y. Chao, Y. Yang, P. Zhou, Y. Li, W. Yang, Z. Xia, S. Guo*, MXene/Si@SiOx@C Layer-by-Layer Superstructure with Auto-Adjustable Function for Superior Stable Lithium Storage, ACS Nano 2019, 13 (2), pp 2167–2175.
53. F. Chen, Y. Yao, A. Nie, S. Xu, J. Dai, E. Hitz, Y. Li, A. Lu, Z. Huang, T. Li, R. S.‐Yassar, L. Hu*, High‐Temperature Atomic Mixing Toward Well‐Dispersed Bimetallic Electrocatalysts, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (25), 1800466.
54. K. K. Fu, Y. Gong, J. Dai, A. Gong, X. Han, Y. Yao, C. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, C. Yan, Y. Li, E. Wachsman*, L. Hu*, Flexible, Solid-State, Ion-Conducting Membrane with 3D Garnet Nanofiber Networks for Lithium Batteries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2016, 113, 7094.
55. K. Fu, Y. Gong, S. Xu, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, J. Dai, C. Wang, B. Liu, G. Pastel, H. Xie, Y. Yao, Y. Mo, E. Wachsman*, L. Hu*, Self-inhibiting Solid-Liquid Electrolyte Interface for Stable Hybrid Batteries, Chemistry of Materials 2017, 29 (19), pp 8037–8041.
56. Y. Zhou, K. Yin, Q. Gu, L. Tao, Y. Li, H. Tan, J. Zhou, W. Zhang, H. Li, S. Guo*, Lewis-Acidic PtIr Multipods Enable High-performance Li-O2 Batteries, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021. 60, 26592.