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Ultrafast laser inducing nanostructures: advances and novel applications - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Prof. Minlin Zhong 主持人:Asst. Prof. Laing Guo 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech
Thermal radiative properties of micro-nanostructures and relevant applications - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Prof. Hua Bao 主持人:Asst. Liang Guo 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech
Controlling Thermal Radiation and Absorption for Energy Applications - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Dr. Wei Li 主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech
Ultrafast laser applications in parallel laser fabrication and multi-photon imaging - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:A/Prof. Shih-Chi Chen  主持人:Prof. Xuanlai Fang 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech
Advanced Ceramics Materials: Opportunities and Challenges - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Prof. Jon Binner 主持人:Asst. Bai Jiaming 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech
Novel Robotic Systems for Over-ground Gait Training for Stroke Rehabilitation - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Prof. Yu Haoyong 主持人:A/ Prof. Chenglong Fu 地点:Meeting Room 501, Innovation Park 7, SUSTech