Bio-Inspired Metallic Networks as Flexible Transparent Conductors—From Lab to Pilot Scale - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Prof. Jinwei Gao
主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong
地点:Meeting Room 301,Wisdom Valley 5,SUSTech.
Learning and Predicting Human Intentions Through Interactions - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Prof. Fumin Zhang
主持人:Prof. Wei Zhang
地点:Meeting Room 501, Innovation Park 7, SUSTech.
Interaction and evolution of dislocations: what we learned from multiscale mechanics - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Asst. Prof. Shuai Wang
主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong
地点:Meeting Room 301,Wisdom Valley 5,SUSTech.
Emerging Soft Materials Manufacture via Molecular Engineering and 3D Printing - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Dr. Ji Liu
主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong
地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech.
Innovations on Electrical Discharge Machining and Electrochemical Machining for Ultimate Precision - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Asst. Prof. Yonghua Zhao
主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong
地点:Meeting Room 301,Wisdom Valley 5,SUSTech.
Application of Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy in Study of Energy Transfer and Conversion - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Asst. Prof. Liang Guo
主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong
地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5, SUSTech.