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Mesh Electronics--Seamless Integration of Electronics with Living Tissues - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Dr. Xiaochuan Dai 主持人:Prof.Zheng Wang 地点:Meeting Room 612, Innovation Park 7, SUSTech
Flexible Robot Systems and Their Control - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Prof. Zhaohui Jiang 主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5
Mechanics and Geometry: From Twisted Embryonic Brain to Biohybrid Soft Robots - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Asst. Prof. Zi Chen 主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong 地点:Meeting Room 612, Innovation Park 7, SUSTech
Simulation of Nucleation and Grain Growth in Selective Laser Melting of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Dehao Liu 主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5
Structure and lubrication of polyelectrolyte brushes in the presence of multivalent ions - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Dr. Jing Yu 主持人:Associate Professors.Qi Ge 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5
Strategies to overcome strength-ductility trade-off in metallic materials - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
时间:0 演讲者:Prof. Binbin He 主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong 地点:Meeting Room 301, Wisdom Valley 5