Human-Centered Design in Affecting Consumer Decision Making and AV-Pedestrian Interaction - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Dr. Jinjuan She
主持人:Prof. Yiming Rong
地点:Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering.
Reconfigurable Robots for the Intelligent Manufacturing and the Reconfigurable Manufacturing System - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Jiansheng Dai
主持人:Prof.Chenglong Fu
地点:Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering.
Haptic sensing and interaction for surgery - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Hongbin Liu
主持人:Associate Professors. Hongqiang Wang
地点:Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering
Advancing Big Ideas with Small Science:How to maximize your success! - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Dr. Lu Shi
主持人:Associate Professors. Ji Liu
地点:Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering
Magnetic Driven Capsule Robot for Assistant Diagnosis and Treatment of GI Tract - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Shuang Song
主持人:Associate Professors.Chengzhi Hu
地点:Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering
The road of entrepreneurial exploration under climate change and the great transformation of new energy - Notice & Seminar - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
演讲者:Dr. Lei Wang
主持人:Prof. Zheng Wang
地点:Room 813, South Tower, College of Engineering