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Department Chair Prof. Rong Visited HKU for cross-department cooperation - News & Events - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Release date:2017-05-08      views:
Recently, Department Chair, Professor Yiming Rong, accompanied with research assistant Shiquan Ling and Daqiang Guo, has visited University of Hong Kong. The visiting group was met with the department Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Yuguo Li, and the department Chair of Industrial and Manufacture System Engineering, Professor Guoquan Huang.

Professor Li and Professor Huang welcomed Professor Rong and briefly introduced the faculties such as basic information and research area. Then, professor Rong provided a brief introduction on MEE at SUSTC in terms of background information, discipline formation, research team, research work and propaganda. Considering the fact that the faculty was newly founded, the rapid development of the faculty and the international, educational strategy, were highly recognized by the professors in the meeting. After the introduction, Professor Li, Professor Huang, Profess Wang, Professor Kwok K.W. and Professor Kim J.T. had a deep discussion about the further cooperation between the departments in terms of research and education, innovation and entrepreneurship, internship cooperation and co-operative laboratories.
Subsequently, Professor Rong visited several featured laboratories of the departments.

As invited by Professor Xiaowei Deng of Civil Engineering, Professor Rong gave a visit to the Civil Engineering laboratory and had a discussion about the construction of the cooperative labs.

Translator: Xiaochuan Xiao