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Research direction:Mechanical design, High-speed manipulation, Kinematic Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Trajectory planning, Parallel robotics, Logistic robotics, Construction robotics.


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Jing Wu received Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering from Hanyang University, Korea in 2015, then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Robotics Research Center of Nanyang University of technology, Singapore(NTU-RRC), and returned to China in 2020 as a research assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering of South University of Science and Technology. She has been engaged in research and development in robotics related fields for more than 10 years. The main research directions are Mechanical design, High-speed manipulation, Kinematic Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Trajectory planning, Parallel robotics, Logistic robotics, Construction robotics.She has published 27 high-level papers in journals and international conferences / EI. She has participated in robot competitions at home and abroad for many times, and won the first place in the total score of three events in the 2017 Amazon Robot Challenge. He participated in 5 national projects in Singapore and 1 National Natural Science Foundation Project in robot related neighborhood, and served as the Chief Technical Director in 3 projects. She has rich experience in the research field of construction robot, medical robot and storage robot.

Research Area:
Mechanical design, High-speed manipulation, Kinematic Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Trajectory planning, Parallel robotics, Logistic robotics, Construction robotics.

Work Experience:
South University of Technology
Research Assistant Professor ,Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering

◆Oct. 2015-Apr. 2020
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
Research Fellow, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

◆Sep 2010 - July 2015
Hanyang University, Korea
Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechatronics

◆ Sep.2010-July 2015 Ph.D & Mechatronics Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
◆Sept 2006 - Aug 2010 B.S. & Mechanical Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Professional Recognition:
◆Oct 2014 Outstanding paper award from ICCAS 2014
◆Feb 2014 - Feb 2015 Scholarships for Peer Subject Tutoring (International Cooperation)
◆Sep 2010 - July 2013 Scholarships in Science & Technology for International Students
◆Sep 2010 - July 2015 National Government Study Abroad Scholarship (China Scholarship Council)

Representative Books and Papers:

1. D. Zhang, J. Wu*, Y. Zheng, L. Wei, Y. Xu and Y. Zhao, "Type Synthesis of 2T1R Planar Parallel Mechanisms and Their Moduling Development Applications," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 72217-72227, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3079266.
2. Rui-Jun Yan, Erdal Kayacan, I-Ming Chen, Lee Kong Tiong and Jing Wu. “QuicaBot: Quality Inspection and Assessment Robot,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2018.
3. .Jing Wu, Rui-Jun Yan*, Kyoo-Sik Shin, Chang-Soo Han and I-Ming Chen. “A 3-DOF Quick-Action Parallel Manipulator based on Four Linkage Mechanisms with High-Speed Cam,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 115, pp. 168-196, 2017.
4. Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu*, Ji Yeong Lee, Abdul Manan Khan, Chang-Soo Han, Erdal Kayacan and I-Ming Chen. “A Novel Method for 3D Reconstruction: Division and Merging of Overlapping B-spline surfaces,” Computer-Aided Design, vol. 81, pp. 14-23, 2016.
5. Ming-Lei Shao, Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Dong-Ik Shin, Kyoo-Sik Shin, Chang-Soo Han and Ji Yeong Lee. “Sensor-based Exploration for two- identical-link Mobile Robots by the Generalized Voronoi Graph,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 230, no. 4, pp. 655-664, 2016.
6. Dong-Hyung Kim, Youn-Sung Choi, Sang-Ho Kim, Jing Wu, Chao Yuan, Lu-Ping Luo, Ji Yeong Lee, Chang-Soo Han. “Adaptive rapidly-exploring random tree for efficient path planning of highdegree-of-freedom articulated robots,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 229, no. 18, pp. 3361-3367, 2015.